Saturday, 1 October 2016

New TVX EP - 'into the unknown', R3MIX0R Update, and Infinite

into the unknown is an EP I've been working on for a while. Although the EP is mostly singles and songs from the cancelled Without Me EP, I've actually put the tracks in an order to try and tell a story. There is one new track in here (not counting the tracks from Without Me), but the EP isn't a 'real' release. It's just here so that the H3X releases have a new home.

Speaking of H3X releases, the remix albums are coming to a close. A remix EP will be released in October, and then in November, Hexal After All will be released. After HAA, in 2017, all of the best planned H3X brand releases will be compiled into 4 albums (TBC), released once every season. After these 4 releases, the H3X brand will be phased out.

In other news, Infinite now has moved to a newly formed publishing division of H3X Media Holdings, the company who owns Polyosis and the H3X and TeeVex brands. Infinite will be released in April 2017 with 10 episodes. The new division is also planning on a project based on video game No Man's Sky, but this may not be incepted.

Sunday, 28 August 2016


As of now, I am currently rebranding. My name for ownproduced singles such as 'The Other Side' and upcoming EP 'Without Me' will now be 'TeeVex', but my name for remix albums and remix-related stuff will still be H3X. The reason for this rebranding is for originality. Other people online are using the name H3X, but to be fair I really should have googled to see if people had (or have been) using this name. I did Google for TeeVex, and it seems nobody is using this name music-wise, so I am safe.

I have re-named and removed all H3X-related music from SoundCloud, and I will be changing my Twitter username in the future. All H3X singles will be removed and will be remastered and released in an album. This means that the tracks will be mastered and will sound more crisp.

Without Me will be cancelled. Some tracks from Without Me will be mastered and released in a 10 track EP alongside Star, The Other Side, and other H3X singles, as well as a few new tracks.

TeeVex and H3X are not different people, but rather different brands.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Officially announcing the H3X App (aka Project Zephyr)

A few weeks ago, my site updated, with 'download links' for the site on iOS & Android. These 'links' were downloads for a beta version of the H3X app. The links have been removed and the app will be tinkered for a release in September for Android (download link on the site) and Kindle (on the app store). The iOS version will also be tinkered, but do not expect an official release on the App Store, as I don't have a Mac, which is a priority for releasing apps on the store. If you do have a Mac (a rarity in my opinion), then please contact me through direct messages on Twitter, even if you don't know how to get apps on the store. I know how to, so you'll have the hardware and I'll just guide you through.

The Android version (for use on phones) will be available for download from my site just by clicking a download button on the homepage. The Kindle version (for use on Kindle Fire tablets & the Fire Phone (if anyone has that)) will be available for download, also for free, from the Amazon Appstore, and I also think that it will be downloadable through the Appstore app for Android. The iOS version will be downloadable from the site for a limited time, but sadly you may need to 'jailbreak' your phone for this version. This is also the reason I am pushing to try and get the app on the App Store.

The app itself is being remade from the ground up,so the final version will be drastically different from the beta version.

I may also be considering making games as well as apps.

TL;DR - H3X App coming September for Android, Kindle and maybe iOS.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Announcing official H3X Newsletter

Starting tomorrow, you can subscribble to an official newsletter of yours truly. In this newsletter, you'll get exclusive insider info (e.g stuff I don't tweet about) on upcoming releases, including ideas I've thought of that might get a release as an EP, website updates before they're tweeted about, and even possibly a face reveal.

This newsletter will be released every Sunday to everyone who decides to subscribe.

Newsletter patrons will get:
-previews of upcoming Singles / EP's (including upcoming EP 'Without Me')
-free junk like wallpapers and apps
-discount codes for my bandcamp
-maybe a free album? 04/10

That's all I really have to offer, but it's free! You're saving money just by subscribing, as the discount codes will be like 75% off or something

You can cancel at any time after subscribing.

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Announcements - Books & Mixes & Site Updates

Today I found out that it's hard making a book. You have to think up something and ideas are scarce, and then you have to write and oh my god it is hard. But I'm trying. The book is more of a side project, and I'll be updating it whenever I can be bothered. When the book is nearly finished I'll officially announce it and stuff.


On YouTube, I'll be releasing all my albums / releases (yes even the EP's) as mixes on a new channel, H3X Mixes. As of now, there's just Adventure (Remixes) I but I hope to get all the others on there soon. All singles will be kept aside for a release in mid-September every year as a 'H3X - Singles of 2016' mix. All singles released after September 15th are classed as 2017 releases. That's how it works.

My site will be updated soon, and this will remove the Sets page and replace it with a new page, so if you want to download Cubeplay or Miniplay then I would do so now as they will be gone by next week. I do not wish to disclose what this new page will be, but you will find out soon enough.

That's about it.

P.S - I get really bored in between albums, so if you want you can vote on what TV show I should binge through during releases here. It ends on August 20th, so be quick!

Friday, 12 August 2016

New Worlds Released + Site Updates

Before we get into updates, let's get into the now. New Worlds, my highly anticipated album based on Porter Robinson's debut album 'Worlds' has finally been released to the public! It was released today as it was the second anniversary of Worlds. I actually fear for this album's rise, as the release date I set for it, August 12th, was confirmed by Polyosis months before anyone knew about Shelter (Madeon & Porter's single) and so I couldn't change it. Fun fact, New Worlds was originally an idea to do an album made entirely of covers of the album's tracks, but I couldn't find a cover for Divinity so it was scrapped. This cover album was then replaced by H3X Klub Vol. 1.

So, yeah. Download New Worlds on my website today.

Now, updates.
Recently, on my site, I've been promoting releases, starting with Blipblop. These promotions basically just change the background music, and clicking the logo's belly makes it play a sound. Seems simple to do, right? But it's not. This makes the site harder to update. But, anyway, these promotions will basically just stay until the album's released. Blipblop EP was there from early August until its release on the 7th. The BG was the GameCube menu music and the secret was the console's opening. From the 7th to today it was New Worlds. The BG was the chimes sampled in Sea of Voices and the secret was 'I'll Depend On You'. From today until the 15th it will be Star. The BG is some space ambience, and the secret, well, I'll let you figure that out. From the 15th until 21st it will be [N/A].

Promotions for Alive MMXVII will start from August 21st, and the album will be released on September 17th (TBC). There will not be any promotions of any kind for Without Me EP.

A release date has not been set for Hexal After All, but we can assure you that promo will happen after Halloween. These are the last 2 major releases until 2017, so we hope they are the best ones.

See you around,

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

H3X Blog Official Opening - Q & A

The official H3X Blog is finally here. Before we get to the questions, let's talk about why I made this blog. Ok, so Tumblr, my original blogging platform, just randomly began playing sounds. I think it was because of ads but I couldn't seem to find them. Instead of just dealing with it, I decided to make my own blog, and here it is. I'll be using this blog to announce new projects such as albums and books, plus I'll also be using it to update you on such projects.

Ok, now the part you've been waiting for; the questions and answers.

What do you think the hardest thing to give up on is?
In my opinion, it'll have to be my music. It got me to where I am now, and without it I'd be an ordinary Joe with nothing to do but tweet and watch anime.

Are you usually late, early or on time?
That usually depends on how bothered I am to do it. I'm mostly early, as I don't want to disappoint anyone.

What are your musical inspirations?
It's different for every song. The Other Side was inspired by You're On by Madeon and Star was inspired by most of Daft Punk's Discovery.

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do/?
That would be making the upcoming EP 'Without Me'. You'd see why when it's out.

What do you do in your free time?
Usually I just watch YouTube videos and check Twitter. Although, I have been watching through some shows recently like Futurama and 'Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!!' (an obscure anime in which I have a crush on the main character whoops)

So, you watch YouTube? Any fave channels?
Cow Chop is a definite answer. Also, JonTron, Markiplier, Firemonkey and MessYourself.

Now do TV Shows!
Ugh, fine. Gravity Falls, duh. Also, Rick & Morty, The Simpsons, Last Man on Earth and I think that's it.

When's the H3X Debut Album coming out?
I don't have plans for a debut album as of now, but an EP is coming on 9/09. Sadly, it's not called Nine. Damn, now I wish it was.