Sunday, 14 August 2016

Announcements - Books & Mixes & Site Updates

Today I found out that it's hard making a book. You have to think up something and ideas are scarce, and then you have to write and oh my god it is hard. But I'm trying. The book is more of a side project, and I'll be updating it whenever I can be bothered. When the book is nearly finished I'll officially announce it and stuff.


On YouTube, I'll be releasing all my albums / releases (yes even the EP's) as mixes on a new channel, H3X Mixes. As of now, there's just Adventure (Remixes) I but I hope to get all the others on there soon. All singles will be kept aside for a release in mid-September every year as a 'H3X - Singles of 2016' mix. All singles released after September 15th are classed as 2017 releases. That's how it works.

My site will be updated soon, and this will remove the Sets page and replace it with a new page, so if you want to download Cubeplay or Miniplay then I would do so now as they will be gone by next week. I do not wish to disclose what this new page will be, but you will find out soon enough.

That's about it.

P.S - I get really bored in between albums, so if you want you can vote on what TV show I should binge through during releases here. It ends on August 20th, so be quick!

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