Wednesday, 10 August 2016

H3X Blog Official Opening - Q & A

The official H3X Blog is finally here. Before we get to the questions, let's talk about why I made this blog. Ok, so Tumblr, my original blogging platform, just randomly began playing sounds. I think it was because of ads but I couldn't seem to find them. Instead of just dealing with it, I decided to make my own blog, and here it is. I'll be using this blog to announce new projects such as albums and books, plus I'll also be using it to update you on such projects.

Ok, now the part you've been waiting for; the questions and answers.

What do you think the hardest thing to give up on is?
In my opinion, it'll have to be my music. It got me to where I am now, and without it I'd be an ordinary Joe with nothing to do but tweet and watch anime.

Are you usually late, early or on time?
That usually depends on how bothered I am to do it. I'm mostly early, as I don't want to disappoint anyone.

What are your musical inspirations?
It's different for every song. The Other Side was inspired by You're On by Madeon and Star was inspired by most of Daft Punk's Discovery.

What's the hardest thing you've ever had to do/?
That would be making the upcoming EP 'Without Me'. You'd see why when it's out.

What do you do in your free time?
Usually I just watch YouTube videos and check Twitter. Although, I have been watching through some shows recently like Futurama and 'Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!!' (an obscure anime in which I have a crush on the main character whoops)

So, you watch YouTube? Any fave channels?
Cow Chop is a definite answer. Also, JonTron, Markiplier, Firemonkey and MessYourself.

Now do TV Shows!
Ugh, fine. Gravity Falls, duh. Also, Rick & Morty, The Simpsons, Last Man on Earth and I think that's it.

When's the H3X Debut Album coming out?
I don't have plans for a debut album as of now, but an EP is coming on 9/09. Sadly, it's not called Nine. Damn, now I wish it was.

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